Solutions by Industry – Small Businesses

There are many uses for a map, both in terms of charting where you have been as well as where you want to go. In the Industry Related Pages, we will be showing you tutorials on how to set up our plugin on your site so that you can display maps and content for your particular industry.

On this page, you are going to learn about how to set the plugin up to best display locations and areas that your business either operates in or has locations in.

1. To begin with, you will need to create a map to display the business area you want to show on your site. If you do not know how to make a map, please consult the following page before continuing with the tutorial – (

You can name your map something memorable, but make sure you have either the store names or areas in the title to identify the different locations or options. In the image below, I have a specific name of Operating Areas (Wyoming) and Store Locations and saved the maps to the location that I require.

2. I can now start adding markers to the map to either signify the locations of my stores(markers) as well as partners that I work with –

SM 2

3. I am going to add Polygons to show the areas where my company operates. To add a Polygon, you will need to click on the Polygon tab –

Immediately a new screen opens where I can provide a Title, Name, URL to external pages as well as change the colors and opacity of the area that is selected. To add a Polygon, you just need to left-click on the map to add points of where you operate or do business. You must not alter the coordinates that are in the bottom box as this can cause problems. If you want to edit a location, all you do is click and drag the marker of the point you want to change. When you are done, you then save the Polygon.

You keep doing this for all your locations and then you will have a map that looks something like the map below –



4. To add the Store Locator, all you do is enable it is the Store Locator tab and change the distance and country to restrict to and then display the Carousel listing under the map and this can be activated on the Marker Listing tab –

This is just a brief explanation of how to make the map more suitable for the Travel industry, however, there are more features available such as directions and a Store Locator that could be added to the map to increase the overall usability of the map.

If you do not see your industry represented in these listings, please get in touch with us here and we will appraise how to add your request to our documentation. Please note that we reserve the right to refuse to place your selected industry on our documentation due to either social, political, or religious reasons.

Please let us know if you enjoyed this tutorial and we will try to make it more like it.

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